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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Trust Yourself When it Comes to Investing in the Toronto Stock Exchange

So, one of the most popular reasons that people don't invest in the Toronto Stock Exchange, or any other market for that matter, is because they don't trust themselves.

They leave their investment decisions, their future financial potential, in the hands of others that may or may not be really good at what they do - fund managers, portfolio investors, business analysts, financial planners, etc., etc., etc. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I still believe that "if you want something done right, do it yourself" ~ maybe not so much in the case of manufacturing plastic toys in North America, but you get where I'm going here.

The fact is, and I really don't know how to stress this enough, you can make more informed decisions than pretty much anybody else when it comes to investing your money in shares of a company. Why? Well, because it's simple to make the right decision when you know how to make it (and you will), and because you have an extremely huge vested interest in it. Or at least you should. You have a lot at stake.

When you make your own investment decisions, you follow the profiles of you chosen FEW companies like you follow your favourite sports team, or the date of the release of the next Sex and the City movie. And you do this because it is plain fun.

Your portfolio manager, financial planner, etc. could never devote this much attention to a few individual companies because they have way too many customers. You only have one customer. And that's why investing in the Toronto Stock Exchange is such a super fun hobby for anyone and everyone.

One of my favourite investment information sites to follow is the Motley Fool. They can be found at:

I suggest you check this out to get a 101 on the inside life of hobby investors.

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